Announcement from HOME Centre ( 1 March 2021)

1 March 2021


With the epidemic situation further under control, the Government has announced to relax social distancing measures in a gradual and orderly manner in accordance with the latest developments of the epidemic situation and risk assessments. The service arrangements are as follows:

HOME Centre (YTM) and HOME Sub-centre(SSP) is opened from 9am to 9pm. Limited drop- in services. Areas for public use, such as resource corners, computer zone and children corners, will be temporarily closed. Prior booking is required for drop-in services.Please feel free to contact us at 3610 4418(HOMECentre (YTM) or 3610 4428 (HOME Sub-centre (SSP).


Enquiry services available on Facebook, WhatsApp and Hotline. 

The programmes are conducted in online mode. The indoor face-to-face programmes with strict adherence to adopting the measures of the "Checklist of Good Practices for Fighting COVID-19" will be gradully resumed . 


HOME Centre will continue to monitor the situation closelyand keep you informed of any further decisions regarding service arrangement in a timely manner.  Please visit our Facebook page and website ( for the latestinformation.


Thank you for your attention


HOME Centre

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